Do you want to earn money from things you no longer need? Or maybe you are looking for something new or used you need, or looking to snap up a deal directly or by bidding on a good.! The application of free classifieds ads, the first market and the best solution for fast and direct buying and selling from the seller and without commission We offer the best and fastest ways to buy and sell everything new and used from new cars, used spares, apartments, real estate, bicycles, electronics, electrical appliances, furniture and other mobiles and searching for vacancies And much more in the market of Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Qatar, Libya, Palestine, UAE and Iraq.
Note: The application is not intended to work on the tablet, works on phones only, and you can advertise through the official website of the free advertising market
Do you want to make money from things you no longer need? Or maybe looking for something you need new or used, or looking to grab a deal directly or by bidding on a commodity! The free classifieds market is a free classified ads application and the ideal solution on sale, fast and direct purchase from the seller and without commission.
You can chat or call the seller directly or through messages, as you can comment and evaluate the item and seller ...
Publish your ads or browse our hundreds of categories, from vehicles and apartments, real estate, bicycles, electronics, appliances, furniture and more in Jordan and Arab countries, all from your mobile phone! And through the official website of the application